Academy Publications
Interfaith: Building Bridges Across and Among Religions
Interfaith is a new approach to religion that believes there are many paths to the divine and we must not assume there is only one. Although religious practices vary extensively among the many world religions, their wisdom literature is remarkably similar. The Golden Rule is an excellent example of the many paths, as almost every […]
Personal Request
Personal Request– from Kurt Johnson CIC-USA Interspiritual Multiplex To My Friends thru the Interspiritual Multiplex– a request to post the “red” announcement below at your Facebook page(s) _______________________________________________________________ As you know, THE COMING INTERSPIRITUAL AGE (TCIA) continues to help shape the growing interspiritual phenomenon– the emergence of a universal spirituality. A coalition of Christian, […]
What is Interfaith?
What is Interfaith? in Interfaith Today, Vol. 1, Number 1. January – February, 2009. By Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Lynch This column is devoted to engaging in theology – that is the study of God. In it, I will express my thoughts of this infinite subject but I will also ask guests to disagree or […]
A New Theology
Today, the simple assertion that God exists is not accepted in many places in the world. For those who study philosophy, the name of Descartes is important because he brought doubt to our modern world. He pointed out that the only truth that we can know with absolute certainty is our own existence because the […]