Course Locations
The Academy offers courses at three different sites: San Miguel de Allende, Honolulu, and Online. We plan on expanding our locations as time evolves. As we identify venues for each site, they will be posted on this web site. Currently we are suspending in-person classes in San Miguel de Allende but plan to restart them in September, 2016.
In San Miguel, our primary venue ia Fray Servando Teresa de Mier number 5 (The big purple house) in San Rafael but other sites will be used depending on need. Locations will be posted in the Academy Calendar.
In Honolulu, Hawaii, our site will be ready August, 2014. We will offer in-person classes there.
Our online site is available here. We use Moodle as our platform.
Please click on the pin icon of the location in which you are interested. For the American locations, you may get directions. For all locations, you may click on the pin and then zoom in for a street-level map.