New Center
The Academy is creating a new center in Honolulu, Hawaii. It should be operational in late August, 2014, and our marketing efforts will begin in June for the Fall semester. We are closing down our South Texas center and temporarily suspending our San Miguel de Allende center except for our Internet Support Unit there. After working in San Miguel for several years, we realized the market realities are such that we cannot sustain that operation without a subsidy from an American center. The question then became where would be a good place to start such a center. We decided on Honolulu because the area is extremely oriented to being Interfaith with its mixed population and active Interfaith Alliance group. In addition the state does not have any other seminaries and the income level is high enough so that students can afford paying $100 per semester hour. The Honolulu UU church has been very positive in their support and we believe that a center should prosper there.
Our primary staff will move there in May and find a location to begin. We already have a local phone number and a mailing address that you can find on the Academy website. Our courses are organized and we have the strong likelihood of having three students interested in being there as of January 2014. We are optimistic for our future.
In addition, we have launched our new Press that we call the International Academy Press. Our first book (The Word of the Light) will be a title published by Hara Press and written by two of our staff. Our second book (The Christian Enigma: Back to the Message) should be available to the public in February 2014. A third book is in progress and should be available in early 2014.
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